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- 会员类型:普通会员
- 地址:深南中路佳和华强大厦B-2205
- 传真:0755-83138727
- E-mail:7237846gw@qq.com
TC3085 ADSL2/2+ *og front-end is a high performance CMOS device that provides a complete
solution for the front-end requirements of ADSL, ADSL2 and ADSL2+. This level of functionality was
previously available only with multiple devices. TC3085 is designed for Asymmetrical Di*al Subscriber
Line Customer Premises Equipment (ADSL CPE). It support all ADSL standards (ADSL1/2/2+), including
Annex A, B, I, J & M.
TC3085 integrates the di*al-to-*og converter (DAC), *og-to-di*al converter (ADC), di*al
controller oscillator (DCXO), line driver and filters, RX programmable gain/attenuation (PGA) and filters,
and di*al interface. TC3085 features a highly integrated signal path with advanced on-chip-filtering. A
13-bit linear DAC precedes the fully integrated line driver, and low p* filter. The received path consists
of programmable low noise preamplifiers, filters, and a 14-bit linear ADC.
Support all ADSL standards (ADSL1/2/2+), including Annex A, B, I, J & M.
Support Reach-Extended ADSL2.
14-Bit ADC/13-Bit DAC
Integrated 7V CMOS Line Driver
Integrated Adaptive Line Termination
Integrated 12-Bit DCXO
Tunable TX/RX Out-of-Band Continuous-Time Filters
3.3V/7V Analog Power Supplies 3.3V Di*al Power Supply
Minimum External Components
Support Co-existence with ISDN
Support integrated Dying Gasp function
Support integrated Power on reset function
64-Pin TQFP Package
Operation temperature range 0 ~ 70 degree C
External ADSL Modems
Soft ADSL2 Modems
ADSL Termination for Network Interface Devices